Monday, August 9, 2010

July 31. The hills are alive...

This Saturday night Duncan and I met up with Gabrielle, a fellow CCI intern working in Accra with Abantu for Development, and went to see The Sound of Music at the beautiful National Theatre. That’s right, The Sound of Music done by an all-Ghanaian cast. There were certainly a few slightly surreal moments, for instance watching Ghanaians yodelling and portraying Nazis, but all in all it was a great experience. Maria held the show together, and could actually act and sing, something that couldn’t really be said of most of the other cast members.

One of the biggest problems was the sound quality. Only some of the players had microphones, and the distribution of the mics seemed almost random. Further, there was a fair bit of distortion and feedback, which, combined with the Ghanaian accent, made it quite hard for me to understand the lines. The audience too was an integral part of the experience, since, while they seemed to enjoy the performance whole-heartedly, they felt no compunction about hooting and jeering if someone really missed a note, or cat-calling the Baroness when she came on stage in a particularly tight dress.

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